New Update: Tasek Square and Moonriver Cafe showtimes & Time Table of June

Dear music lovers!

Kindly take note that starting this 8th June, CM Crew will be performing at Tasek Square Foodcourt on every Mondays and Tuesdays. From 9pm to 12am!

Also, we have changed from performing on Saturdays to performing at Moon River on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting this 4th June! Time of the show will remain unchanged!

Please come and support us!!!! Thanks!!!

从6月8号起,每逢星期一和星期二,我们Crescendo Music将会在 他昔坊美食中心 (Tasek Square Foodcourt) 驻唱,时间是晚上9点至午夜12点...

除此之外,每逢星期六晚上9.30分,我们在Moon River (培南小学后面)的驻唱时间换了...注意: 从六月份开始,我们换去星期二和星期四了...

希望大家继续支持我们....多多捧场....谢谢^^ See ya!

Time Table 歌手时间表 : -


Mon 8/6 - PauL & Sandy 9pm-12am
Tue 9/6 - Joe & Micheal 9pm-12am

Mon 15/6 - PauL & Sandy 9pm-12am
Tue 16/6 - Joe & Micheal 9pm-12am


Tue 9/6 - PauL & Peggie 9.30pm-12.15am
Thur 11/6 - Joe & Sandy 9.30pm-12.15am

Tue 16/6 - PauL & Peggie 9.30pm-12.15am
Thur 18/6 - Joe & Sandy 9.30pm-12.15am


Did you know? #1

Did you know that Paul has got his own single out now? Its titled 烂好人 and can be found on BYE CD on sale now! For the review, please visit Josh's Musical Journey for the review.

For more information on where to get the CD, please log on to

Support local music!

Oh Noes!! Sandy is down!!

Sandy has not been feeling too well since coming back from holiday in Hatyai last month! Its been a whole month and she is still not up to par yet. We are missing you on stage!!!

Its the hot season now (its always summer all year round...). A lot of people is down with illness due to the heat. But worry not. Drink more water and rest more will return your health back to you in no time!!! LOL!!

On behalf of the CM Crew....we wish Sandy a speedy recovery and return to perform with us!! GAMBATTE!!! p(^_^)q


Tasek Square and Moonriver Cafe showtimes!

Dear music lovers!

Kindly take note that starting this 8th June, CM Crew will be performing at Tasek Square Foodcourt on every Mondays and Wednesdays. From 9pm to 12am!

Also, we have changed from performing on Saturdays to performing on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting this 4th June! Time of the show will remain unchanged!

Please come and support us!!!! Thanks!!!


从6月8号起,每逢星期一和星期三,我们Crescendo Music将会在 他昔坊美食中心 (Tasek Square Foodcourt) 驻唱,时间是晚上9点至午夜12点...

除此之外,每逢星期六晚上9.30分,我们在Moon River (培南小学后面)驻唱时间换了...
注意: 六月份开始,我们换去星期二和星期四了...

希望大家继续支持我们....多多捧场....谢谢^^ See ya!