So, we went to visit Paul and Peggie’s set at Moon River Cafe on last Thursday, 13th August 2009, and had a great time acting like ranch monkeys chatting. But i had to really say that Hugo and Mavis really blew the place apart with their attires! Explanation: They just finished singing at another place with Sandy-chan.
We had some really good time with fellow singers and also with the customers! We saw some familiar faces there and made some new friends too! The best laugh of the day goes to Hugo's imitation of the pirate! Only he would come up with that! So, i think he won't mind cross-dressing when he wins the vote! LOL!!!
Below are some of the photos I snapped there. Enjoy!
Peggie and Paul

Paul's turn to sing

Sandy as guest!!!

Hugo's turn as guest of the night!

Hugo and Paul explaining why the cowboy look!

Mavis and Hugo


Err...don't even ask....

The reason why he's the cross dress! LOL!!!
Cameraman of the night,