This is NOT farewell....
Name : Joshua Lui
Stage Name : 阿Joe
Position : Musician / Vocals
Years Performed : 3 Years and above
Fav quote : 无错!!
Its been a wondrous and a journey filled with laughter during these 3 years together with Crescendo Music Entertainment. I still remember my first day audition at the now-defunct HALO Cafe. Some said i was pale when it was my turn! LOL!!
i'd be lying if i said i wasn't super power nervous! No calls came and i thought i had flopped it. Until 2 weeks later. Kenji called asking me come on weekends for practice. Man, i was overjoyed! Finally a chance to perform again!
And so, i mainly just played guitar without singing much til we've shifted to Moon River Cafe. There, i share the burden of the vocals as we were only have enough for 2 performers instead of the usual 3. And so, in and out, another year has passed.
Then, came along Station One Leisure Cafe. And not to forget our other functions that we have been booked for.
All of it are good times. We were together in ups and downs. Yes, there might have been a little arguments from time to time but it was always for the good of each other. The support i've seen with this Family is something you can't find anywhere. They'd jump to your defence as much as you would for them!
And so, the time has come for me to leave this very Family that i fell in love with. As i will be away for work, i had to let them go. Its hard. Very hard. I used to plan everything around CM. But now, suddenly i felt theres so much time on my hands that i don't know what to do anymore.
Anyway, let me spare you the sob story. Here i wish every single one of you a mega super power success both in personal and in career...especially with CM!!!
@Paul : Thanks for all the advices and assistance in times of need!!
@Hugo : Thanks for taking me into this family!
@Sandy: Thanks for always listening to my rants! LOL!!! Laugh always!
@Peggie: Thanks for always bantering with me!
@Joans: Thanks for letting us tease you and laugh WITH you!
@Kenji: Thanks for the introduction to this amazing family!!
@Mike: Thanks for always singing whatever i felt like playing!
and all the rest of you...THANK KIA!!!!
Don't worry. You will NEVER see the last of me. This is NOT farewell...just that i'm taking an indefinite hiatus. I'll be back...*group hugz!!!*
And now, the end is near. I'll be performing for the very last time as an official full-time crew member of Crescendo Music Entertainment. I really hope to be able to see all of you at Station One Cafe, Gunung Rapat (a.k.a. S3). 无错!!
Forever (all of you) No1 fan,
HighLive 2010!
HighLive 2010...our very own vocal/guitarist, cursed emo a.k.a. Michael Teh, went to Malacca to expand his already bundle of stage experience. Kudos to mikey!!! without further adieu, enjoy~!!
Its that time of year again..
Its been so long since the last post. Now it is entering the 4th quarter of the year and i believe a lot of you is already looking forward till the end of the year.
Yes, the end of the year. The most hectic period for us CM Crews but we like it! LOL!!! Here's to all of CM Crew members, GAMBATTE!!!!!! Live and let die!
In the next post, we will be covering on the other venues that we are performing in and also there will be lots of pictures and videos uploaded via our YOUTUBE account.
But before that, let us welcome KENJI as our blogs new moderator!!!!! yay!!!! (phew~~~now i can look forward to READING!!) LOL!!!
Until then, please subscribe to our YOUTUBE account and do let us know on how we could entertain you more!!!
Yes, the end of the year. The most hectic period for us CM Crews but we like it! LOL!!! Here's to all of CM Crew members, GAMBATTE!!!!!! Live and let die!
In the next post, we will be covering on the other venues that we are performing in and also there will be lots of pictures and videos uploaded via our YOUTUBE account.
But before that, let us welcome KENJI as our blogs new moderator!!!!! yay!!!! (phew~~~now i can look forward to READING!!) LOL!!!
Until then, please subscribe to our YOUTUBE account and do let us know on how we could entertain you more!!!
I ♥ Crescendo Music..
在这个地方献上我的。。。第一篇~ 哈哈!
我 越来越 ♥ Crescendo Music..
希望有更多人认识我们 ~Crescendo Music~
♥ u all.. CM Big Family~~
在这个地方献上我的。。。第一篇~ 哈哈!
我 越来越 ♥ Crescendo Music..
希望有更多人认识我们 ~Crescendo Music~
♥ u all.. CM Big Family~~
Crunch week No.1 over!
(L-R) Peggie Chow, Sandy Chow, Paul Au - First performance at Station 1 @ First Garden
Finally! Crunch week is over! The last several days has been really busy and exciting at the same time! With the new Station 1 Cafe @ First Garden, Ipoh, finally settling down after a hectic 10 days of performing.
The new Station 1 Cafe was up for serving on the 28th of April 2010. Paul and Sandy performed on the next day (with extra guest performer...LOL!!) Peggie. The above photo was posted on the Kwong Wah eNewspaper and also was on print.
The super tight schedule has been taking some damage on some of our most loved performers, most noticeably Sandy and Paul. The former is currently down with sore throat with light coughing and the latter just
As with any new venues, we need a little bit time to get used to the room's acoustics to finetune the sound system to liking and the past few days is just filled with trials and errors of finetuning. The challenge of performing at new venues is to know what floats the boats and that is what we are doing. Learning and finetuning.
In the coming days, with more venues to
Health alert!!!!

And in these scorching hot weather, please have more fluids & rest!! Do take care!!!
This public service announcement was brought to you by:
Crescendo Music Entertainment
On behalf of CME,
Crescendo Music CNY Gathering 2010
22nd February, 2010.
We had a fun time gathering at De Garden. There was a lot of great friend and CM supporters who came this time around. Thanks to WatAFrog Kent, Macon Kojima, Winson Yen, Wai Ken, Carmen and Bell for joining us. The night would be so different without you guys!!
Cheese!! Pui Gi!!!!!
We started off with dinner at TOS about 9pm. Well, since most of us went there with empty stomachs so we decided to eat first. There were about 12 of us and we chose to sit outside cos the waitress told us that we could feel the "air conditioner". It turns out to be some cold air fans...damnit. And i unknowingly sat on the hottest position. Literally.
The food was so-so tho. I have no complains about the gravy of "Monster Curry Chicken Rice" but its a bit too small portioned even for an "aerodynamically designed" person like me.LOL!!
As we finish gobbling up what's on our plate, we waited for BN Hugo to arrive and watched some MTV. Well, to be truthful, we were watching Paris Hilton's My New BFF Season 2. I can't figure out much why we were all engrossed watching it. Prolly because:
Sure enough, all of us, cam-whores started taking group pictures (which, if you want to see the whole album, click here.). From TOS, we took all the way to the inner part of De Garden. The part where there was a wall, and some big nosed Einstein Hugo suggested that we take photos using poses that would spell out "CRESCENDO". No dignified cam-whores self- loving photo freak CM Crew would back away from a camera challenge! And we dive straight in!
A lot of people passed by and giggled at us. Maybe even laughed AT us rather than WITH us. But we don't care cause we're having too much fun. And man...posing seriously for a photo shootout is really hard work! We worked out sweats by the time the last picture was taken.
But then, we started taking other kinds of pictures. Some really funny ....
And the night ended, it was already past 1am (boy, does time fly!)! So there. We had a great time spending together with Crew or non-Crew but to us, we're one big family!
For those who didn't make it, there will be more of this kind of gatherings! Make sure you join us the next round!!!
UPDATED 26/10/2010 - thanks to Sandy, we have the final product of the night!!! ^.^ ♥
We had a fun time gathering at De Garden. There was a lot of great friend and CM supporters who came this time around. Thanks to WatAFrog Kent, Macon Kojima, Winson Yen, Wai Ken, Carmen and Bell for joining us. The night would be so different without you guys!!
The food was so-so tho. I have no complains about the gravy of "Monster Curry Chicken Rice" but its a bit too small portioned even for an "aerodynamically designed" person like me.LOL!!
As we finish gobbling up what's on our plate, we waited for BN Hugo to arrive and watched some MTV. Well, to be truthful, we were watching Paris Hilton's My New BFF Season 2. I can't figure out much why we were all engrossed watching it. Prolly because:
- Paris Hilton's in it.
- One of the contenders look a lot like our former ladyboss. I started yelling "Pay us back!" and the whole group joined in! LOL!!! If she was there, i'd suggest she run. Real fast...
- There were a lot of
bouncing boobspretty girls in it
Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!!!
(Top L-R: Winnie Yen, Peggie, Sandy, Bell, Hugo, Josh, Carmen
Bottom L-R: WatAFrog Kent, Macon Kojima, Mavis, Joans and Wai Ken)
Girl Power!!! purrrrrrrrrr~~
A lot of people passed by and giggled at us. Maybe even laughed AT us rather than WITH us. But we don't care cause we're having too much fun. And man...posing seriously for a photo shootout is really hard work! We worked out sweats by the time the last picture was taken.
SNSD inspired shot. Don't ask!
But then, we started taking other kinds of pictures. Some really funny ....
xxx street?
...and some really scary ones. Bell as the RingJuon...
Lady Gaga pose...yay!!
UPDATED 26/10/2010 - thanks to Sandy, we have the final product of the night!!! ^.^ ♥
Macon Kojima,
Wai Ken,
WatAFrog Kent
Happy Chinese New Tiger Year!!!!!!!!!!
We would like to thank everyone that's supporting Crescendo Music all along! We also like to wish everyone a PROSPEROUS and HEALTHY year ahead and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!
多谢晒甘多位朋友一路黎对Crescendo Music既支持同鼓励 ,系度祝大家 ,虎年进步, 身体健康 , 虎虎生威 ! !
On behalf of
Paul, Hugo and all the CM Crew!
多谢晒甘多位朋友一路黎对Crescendo Music既支持同鼓励 ,系度祝大家 ,虎年进步, 身体健康 , 虎虎生威 ! !
On behalf of
Paul, Hugo and all the CM Crew!
New practise venue~~
Yay!!! Now instead of practising at Paul or Hugo's house, we are now officially practising at a dance studio! This is soooooooo cool! Now we can truly see our own body language! What you thought might look cool on stage isn't that cool when you look at yourself doing it in the mirror! LOL!!!
Its a bit hard to practice with split groups but hey, nothing's perfect! LOL!!! We'll see what's the outcome from this new venue.
Its a bit hard to practice with split groups but hey, nothing's perfect! LOL!!! We'll see what's the outcome from this new venue.
Hugo Ng and his lovely bride, Mavis Wong's Wedding Dinner!
The Hugo and Mavis Logo
2nd January 2010. A day worth remembering...
Congratulations once again to our big big big boss, Hugo and big big big sister, Mavis's Wedding!! It was awesome! I've never been to any wedding dinner with so much entertainment! Crescendo Music had the honors to do an opening show for the night and we hope that Hugo and Mavis felt our sincerity and happiness too. And a lot of other singers had the honors to sing that night also. Talk about POWER! LOL!!
The peak of the night had to go to Anita Mui impersonator! He was awesome! He totally took the whole stage for himself and that is what we call showmanship! He took the whole environment to the next level! Kudos to whatever-your-name-is-but-i'll-call-you-Anita-Mui-Impersonator!LOL!!!
The Anita Mui Impersonator in action!!
Even with all that adrenaline rushing after that show, the next segment was a killer! It was a video showing the previous 2 day's happenings. It was fun to watch the whole "bring the bride home" ceremony again and it was fun for those who didn't attend. I wonder if we could get our hands on that video...
The picture says it all!
Don't they look sweet together???
BL155 behind them! LOL!!!
Then came the best part. The MC, Jason, requested Hugo to try to render Mavis to tears with a song. Hugo requested for Paul to help play the guitar and sang a heartfelt rendition of 爱是永恒. We could hear him holding back his tears when he sang that was really touching. Especially when he knelt on one and took her hand.............*swoon*
We had a great time there and to see more pictures of the night, click here.
Once again, congrats from all the members of CRESCENDO MUSIC!
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